YELLOWSTONEDOP, EDITOR, VFX, COLOURIST 'Yellowstone' is a ten minute survival-drama exploring the aftermath of the Yellowstone super-volcano...
THE CONPRODUCER, DIRECTOR, EDITOR In a style similar to the Hustle and Snatch, ‘The Con’ is a nine minute crime and gangster film, following the...
GAME PLAYPRODUCER, DIRECTOR, VFX, EDITOR Game Play is a short 3 minute action thriller film. It follows a small boy, Jack, and his vivid...
WHY GO TO PAL?PRODUCER, ANIMATOR Working for the Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) team at Bournemouth University to produce and create 3 educational films...
WHAT IS PAL?PRODUCER, DIRECTOR Working for the Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) team at Bournemouth University to produce and create 3 educational films...
FATHER'S DAYDOP, EDITOR Father's Day is a short pilot for a mockumentary. It is set in a matriachal society, where the male characters take on the...
DERAILED (COMING SOON)EDITOR, VFX, GRAPHICS Derailed is a short film that follows the disappearance of a train carriage carrying government officials. The...
MORNING RUSHVISION MIXER, GRAPHICS Morning Rush is a single 15 minute morning entertainment show, hosted by Sky presenters Paula Middlehurst and Mark...
THE ROCK SCHOOLDIRECTOR, PRODUCER, GRAPHICS The Rock School is a short documentary, which follows the half term ran Newbury Rock School. The school is...
SIDE EFFECTSEDITOR, POST SOUND, RUNNER Side Effects is a short drama that follows a psychologist, Jack Torrance, who is battling a drug addiction....